It is a complex moment where we can at least think / dream of new ways of leading our companies. In this interview Beatriz Manzanilla Rubio got so beautifully express some of my thoughts and experiences that I hope you can serve.
For nearly two decades, Daniel Truran rises with the conviction that human beings, applying his full being, can create companies that transform the world. “I will not solve poverty, it would be a burden; I like to influence people I have around me consistently, with initiatives such as Impact Hub “he says 10 years after its creation.
“If you want to be effective, you need a balance between the material and the spiritual”
Daniel, defined as a facilitator of change, remember when a friend and founder of the international network of Impact Hub told him in 2007 that some young people wanted to set up a headquarters in Madrid. He met them and then there was a click. Despite the diversity, the group converged on the purpose of the innovation impact. To that end, a spirit of collaboration among these four men and four women, six foreign and two Spaniards created.
The team took on the challenge of developing a coworking in a country with no previous experience with a predictable rejection of open spaces and full financial crisis. “We do not care what others say, we felt it was time, enjoying being together and to learn,” says Daniel. In those meetings, she noted the desirability of combining feminine and masculine mentality. “Women’s entrepreneurship brings more depth, more global vision, and connects with greater empathy with those who want to serve rather than giving directly what they ask.”
The icing on the project lay in integrating companies pretendieran positive impact on society and also wanted to pay their employees. “It was pure idealism, but we attracted many idealists. There was a trend toward entrepreneurship meaningful; with a balance between the spiritual and the material. If you want to be effective, you need that balance. ” And from someone who combines today 4 job: professor at IE business school and EOI; BCorp ambassador and CEO of EBBF. And always with a smile.
Given this risk of imbalance, Daniel suggests three tips to resist: determination, collaborate with others and sincerely serve the community of interest. “We have seen many Quixotes who alone have failed,” says the importance of focusing on the areas where we are strongest and find, collaborate with others who complement your weaknesses. “Many hated sell; They tried to do everything and drowned. It’s smart to find someone else with a passion for selling “recommends.
“Before innovation impact was for some crazy; now it is seen as a way of doing business and has a serious role in the Spanish economy “
Regarding the evolution of Impact Hub, assesses how has remained a leader in social innovation and flexibility shown to new entrepreneurs, larger and different sectors. “Now the spaces are more serious. Before impact innovation was for a few madmen, it is now seen as a way of doing business and we managed to have a serious role in the Spanish economy, “he summarizes. To the challenge of keeping the original spirit, it believes that the key is heard, connect with yourself to identify what is important and then connect with others to be more effective. “It is obvious guides or marketing; authenticity is appreciated when you receive alguienque smiles, curiosity and willingness to collaborate. “
His experience in Impact Hub and the business community certified B Corp confirms that coexistence between impact and benefit shows the way. “Companies are beginning to understand that they have to change to exist in the future, it is not about being the first in the world but the best for the world.”
You can read the original here:órmula-para-una-empresa-truran/