Speak1 Daniel Truran Closing-keynote-global-summit-for-insurance-innovation-INESE-a-new-mindset-for-an-uncertain-future Role-of-AI-future-of-education-educAItion-sek-global-education-forum Amazon-AWS-Tecnologia-al-servicio-de-sostenibilidad - concienciacion-y-oportunidades Opening keynote at Canvas Strategies 10 year anniversary Conversaciones-ESG-aniversario-fundacion-integra-en-el-espacio-Santander-con-Fabienne-Michaux TOP-20-perfiles-a-seguir-en-linkedin-segun-la-revista-Emprendedores COP28-Dubai-Spain-Pavillion-democratizando-netzero UN-High-Level-talks-COP-Dubai-united-for-transparency Camara-de-comercio-italiana Camara-de-comercio-zaragoza-La-gobernanza-del-futuro-un-mindset-sostenible Happiness-fest-empresas-con-proposito-empresas-felices Canarias-innovacion-glocal IE-las-mejores-inspiraciones-para-emprender Comillas-dialogos-para-la-etica-el-nuevo-rol-de-la-etica-en-un-mundo-incierto Emprende-health-innovacion-e-futuro TransFoodMation-Cuando-sostenibilidad-y-beneficios-se-alimentan-mutuamente Foro-geiser-el-poder-de-la-colaboracion Lo-que-vendra-despues-escenarios-del-futuro-que-nos-espera BGoodDay-B-Lab-Spain-Sesion-Inaugural Arup-la-motivacion-de-las-mejores-empresas-para-el-mundo Rebel-fridays-el-nuevo-rol-de-la-empresa-en-nuestra-sociedad SIMPOSIO-INTERNACIONAL-MINDFULNESS-Y-SOCIEDAD-Estrategias-para-la-transformacion-social-desde-la-etica-empresarial Valencia Digital Summit From Trend to Transition: Impact Driven Innovation Herbert Smith Freehills Impact Economy and how its future is impacting today's companies Instituto de Empresa IE Net Impact Forum European Commission SME Assembly Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) for SMEs: Beyond the Bottom Line GEF Global Education Summit The future of work and how education institutions can prepare student for the future #southsummit21 - Main Arena MISSION DRIVEN: Making A Difference #Fi21 - Impact Investing Forum What is the journey from greenwashing to greenwishing to greenaction? Con Daniel Schmid Global Sustainability Director at SAP #REBUILD2021 How to hit those SDGs. New business models arising from Decarbonization #EM20Global - Henley Business School Impact Innovation: answering the need to rethink business capitalism BFORPlanet The role and application of corporate purpose: from trend to reality ESADE Annual Alumni main keynote. BforPlanet keynote on the impact of SDGs on people, companies and planet Gender Equality A Must Have for Economic Growth MADBlue summitHow can we transition our organizations to sustainably-driven innovation? Innovacion y Empresa Danone KickOff 2020 – the attitude of a sustainable leader COP25 – interview , presenting the NetZero B Corp commitment Sustainable Brands Madrid – how can companies become best for the world NESIFORUM Malaga – The future of work and the role of impact innovation Jornada Corresponsables – ODS 10 Y 17: Reducción de Desigualdades y Alianzas Win Win Loyola keynote dtruran dtruran Fundacion biodiversidad dtruran Jump interview