<span class="notranslate">DANIEL TRURAN</span>


With over 20 years of experience in leading global organizations and glocal communities to implement impact innovation, I would love to hand over to you what I learnt and implemented: emerging trends and tools to make you and your organization future-ready.


my areas of expertise


Strategist, impact innovator, speaker and enabler 20+ years of purpose-driven impact innovation,bringing useful innovation into meaningful organisations who are wanting to adapt and thrive in the complex, fast evolving opportunities offered by this 21st century....


Daniel is invited to inspire and stimulate with his keynotes, panelist and moderator abilities curious crowds eager to explore the horizons of impact. He shares his direct experience, the futures that he is co-creating with...


Daniel Truran is a renowned motivational speaker, strategist, and impact innovator, with over two decades of experience dedicated to exploring and harnessing the connection between values, purpose, and action within individuals and organizations. His passion...
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Daniel Truran is a renowned motivational speaker, strategist, and impact innovator, with over two decades of experience dedicated to exploring and harnessing the connection between values, purpose, and action within individuals and organizations. His passion lies in inspiring and cultivating communities and movements that are driving towards a brighter, more prosperous, sustainable, and just future.

Currently serving as the Director General at ebbf (Ethical Business Building the Future), Daniel actively champions ethical business practices and fosters positive change.

As a key member of the co-founding team, he also serves as a B Corp Ambassador at B Lab Europe, advocating for businesses to prioritize social and environmental impact alongside profit.

Daniel is a Partner at NOW Partners, where he collaborates with like-minded individuals and organizations to catalyze meaningful change and co-founded Impact Hub Madrid, a hub for social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Daniel is also an expert in exploring the future and how to be future-ready. He took part in and is mentioned in two recent reports by Megatrends and Innuba, What Will Come Next.

Daniel serves as a Professor and Academic Director of Impact Innovation at EOI and as a Visiting Professor at institutions such as Henley Business School, ESADE, IESE, Comillas, and UCJC.

Daniel is dedicated to sparking the transition towards a future that aligns with the aspirations of both individuals and society as a whole.


“¡Que sesión tan interesante. Nos has llevado a nuevas maneras de pensar y nuevas maneras de liderar empresas: inspirador!“

Anne Dibley – Henley Business School

“Te vuelvo a dar las gracias Daniel por tu estupenda e inspiradora charla en nuestro evento!”

Laure Bohec LeStradic – Lancóme

“Daniel tiene una personalidad poderosa, exude energía, pasión y convicción. Por tanto, es un orador excepcional tanto inspirador como motivador al que he tenido el placer de conocer en diferentes mesas redondas, webminars y eventos.
Además, su visión de futuro sobre temas de negocios y sustentabilidad siempre aporta conocimiento y una perspectiva diferente para enriquecer la conversación.“

Laia Mas Directora Public Affairs & Sustainability Danone

“Ha sido una contribución increíble lo que ofreciste hoy en ESADE. Gracias por inspirarnos a partir de nuestras emociones más profundas“

Salva Cayuela – Cofundador en NEWUS

“Recuerdo perfectamente la primera vez que escuché hablar a Daniel. Para mí, hay un antes y un después de ese momento. Él es una de esas personas que deja una marca.“

Carlos Palacín – Circular Economy Club

“Explicar conceptos difíciles y hacer que la audiencia te escuche con plena atención todo el tiempo es un arte.
Daniel es uno de esos artistas que son capaces de hacerlo. Admiré el entusiasmo, la inspiración y la energía positiva de Daniel cuando pronunció el discurso de apertura de “trabajo significativo” en el evento ConnectIn organizado por Linkedin. Daniel es inspirado e inspirador. Realmente lo recomiendo como orador para cualquier evento que involucre un trabajo significativo, ética, liderazgo basado en valores y muchos otros temas relevantes del mundo actual.“

Leonardo Intriago – LinkedIN

“Muchas gracias por su charla. Fue muy inspiradora y carismática.
¡Siempre es un placer escucharle! “

Anna Kowalska – Better Business

“¡Muchas gracias, Daniel! ¡Una charla muy inspiradora!“

Francois-Xavier Lacroix – GM Aguas Danone España

“Simplemente inspirador. No hay otra palabra para describir mejor a Daniel. Tuve el placer absoluto de escucharlo varias veces a lo largo de mi vida y cada vez ha sido capaz de compartir diferentes pensamientos significativos, sentimientos profundos y emociones. Realmente creo que Daniel es uno de los oradores más importantes y consistentes que he conocido. Seguiré motivado e inspirado por él.“

Francesco Costanzo – LinkedIN

“Daniel es un profesor inspirador y un gran tutor. Su experiencia y visión me permitieron abrir mi mente y considerar nuevas posibilidades y estilos de vida que buscan tener un significado positivo y un impacto en el mundo. Para mí, uno de los mejores profesores que tuve durante el Máster y que me motivó a convertirme en empresaria.“

Ana Maria Rocha – Endeavor Colombia



Linkedin Lives


You want to understand the emerging trends that are most relevant to you in the VUCA future that is just around the corner. You want to prepare yourself and your organization to CO-create the most successful possible outcomes.
You want to be ready to harness all the opportunities that the future is bringing, sparking and developing the existing value of your team.

You are surrounded by a fast-changing environment that makes it challenging to understand what is important, how to harness new trends and how to stand out, being successful.  You don’t want to be left behind.

You urgently need to lead the transition towards meaningful innovation and are looking for inspiration and concrete paths to make you a recognized leader.

With over 20 years of experience in leading global organizations and glocal communities to transition towards successful impact innovation, I would love to now share with you, ideas and tools to make your vision a reality.

LIVE#11 Explorando el futuro con Belén Viloria

Si hay alguien capaz de entender el poder de la colaboración para crear futuros mejores, esta es Belen Viloria. Head of Brand Strategy and Communications... Read More "LIVE#11 Explorando el futuro con Belén Viloria"

LIVE#9 Explorando el futuro con Tomás Pereda

¿Porqué pensamos que el futuro tiene que ser "mas humano"? ¿Qué significa crear empresas y lugares de trabajo más humanos? Nadie mejor que Tomás Pereda... Read More "LIVE#9 Explorando el futuro con Tomás Pereda"

#LIVE8 Explorando el futuro con Alejandra Acosta

Nadie mejor que Alejandra (Women in tech lead @Glovo. Obama Foundation Europe Leader. Gender equity and social impact specialist) con la que conversar para explorar... Read More "#LIVE8 Explorando el futuro con Alejandra Acosta"

LIVE #7 – Explorando con Francisco Palao futuros y maneras de CO-crearlos

Hay personas que observan lo que podría ser el futuro y otros como Francisco Palao (Fundador Purpose Alliance, autor de "propósito transformador masivo", CEO OpenXo... Read More "LIVE #7 – Explorando con Francisco Palao futuros y maneras de CO-crearlos"


He is professor of impact innovation, offers courses and masterclasses in the following business schools
To spark the transition that people and the world want and need I offer insights and my experiences in topics such as :
Impact Innovation – Transitioning & Systems Change – Innovative Leadership – The power of activism – Future Scenario Planning – Rethinking Company Structures and Leadership – Purpose Driven Organizations how to move from purpose-washing to purpose-centred authentic strategies.


Uni Cadiz
Master NESI Nueva Economía
Master en Economía Circular EOI
Master en Emprendimiento de Impacto Social UCJC
The Social MBA
Programa Superior de Gestión y Medición del Impacto Social Comillas
International Master In Sustainable Development EOI

Stanford – was social innovation judge