Intuition and the future
Intuition and the future

Intuition and the future

Intuition is probably the most valuable tool we have available to create the future.

My good friend and creative master Enrico Giraudi wrote a book INTUITION TECHNOLOGIES: Unlock the of creative potential of your organization and he asked me to write an introduction to the concept of intuition.

We happen to live in a tremendously unique time in the history of humanity. We and our organizations have never had to live and survive in such a state of constant uncertainty. 

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The lack of reference points is now such a widespread condition that even an article in the Harvard Business Review invites us to read science fiction books to relearn to imagine what awaits us and create it. 

Reconnecting with our intuitive resources is an opportunity to move from an immobilizing state of natural fear and uncertainty, to a new state of mind oriented towards coherent and active actions. A state of mind which allow us to feel free, free to create the future we want for us and for our organizations. 

If we want to break free from the “old” and predominant management paradigm, which forces us to adapt to the traditional corporate culture, to the stringent and often unrealistic pressures of our workplaces, where we are deprived of the time to think, and evaluate and grow, we must, first of all, reconnect with what is really important to us. 

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